Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 20

No Coffee. No coffee smells...husband not home. This should be easy, except for the fact that I am waking up with a headache. The hangover is still hanging over. Atleast the sun is shining and I can get outside today for a walk. It is my day off from work and I can get some things done. Before I begin, I must face the scale. I need to see the number. In the spirit of spring cleaning, I actually windexed the surface of my scale and waited for it to thoroughly dry (no need for any extra ounces being tallied prior to my stepping on).

180.6 .

Ok. I expected that. Lets watch that number go down. Shall we?

Breakfast: 8oz of Green Goodness Fruit Smoothie and two slices of Ezekial sprouted bread toasted. 6 points. I drank my obligatory 32oz of water and popped a Centrum for good measure.

I put on my sneakers and got my ipod and Niamh. Off we went on a brisk (while stopping every now and again to sniff) walk. Niamh needs a total wellness cleanse as well. You see, she has been supplementing her diet with cat food. She is a "closet" cat food eater and tends to do it when no one can see her. I don't think she purges after theses little binges, (but the cats do. I wonder why this daily event can't be stopped?); so she has thickened a bit through the middle. Can't blame her as she is now 5 years old and in dog years, well that is 35 and it happens to almost all bitches at that time. The weather is superb and our walk does cause my headache to dissipate a bit.

Lunch: 2 cups of mixed greens, 2 tsp of olive oil, 1/2 cup chickpeas, 2 tblsp of lemon tahini hummus, 1/2 cup of fresh salsa and 8 black olives. 6 points. 8oz Light Soy milk 1 point.This was a really good combination! Sometimes my culinary creations are a disaster, but this one was a hit. Lots of food on the plate so my eyes are happy also.

Afternoon was tough. I was trying to read and I could not concentrate. I set the kitchen timer to wake me at 2 and fell asleep on the couch. I awoke to get the kids but I was very shaky. I guzzled some water and went off to the school. A quick stop to get an inspection sticker was in order as mine had expired in August of 2008. The candy bowl at the garage had two options: tootsie rolls and wintergreen mints. I opted for none.

Dinner: Cashew Carrot Ginger soup with 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds, a rice cake with 1 tblsp of Tahini. 10 points. Sliced strawberries and cantaloupe would have been 1 point, but Niamh ate the beautifully crafted bowl of sliced fruit. I had a banana 2 points. I am starving. I feel wobbly. I need to eat. Quorn turkey burger, 2 points. Quorn is a really tasty product. It is a mycoprotein. Basically, it is fermented mushrooms used as a meat substitute.

I was able to stick to 26 points for today! Hopefully tomorrow I will reap the benefits of the cleanse and be feeling better. Today's chapter in the book was titled, "Why No Caffeine?" Kathy Freston then states several medical reasons why using strong words like addiction and central nervous system stimulant and a psychoactive drug. I sure do miss my fix and would like a hit. This Tazo Passion Herbal tea is just not filling the void.


  1. Tracy, this seems so extreem, all this crazy food. You must have to have aken out a second on your home to go shopping for these ingredients?

  2. I eat a lot of this stuff anyway...things I tried...like the Tempeh are just NOT good. I will not buy and prepare that in the future. It tastes like texture. Like tofu but with grains in it. It is just food to keep you alive, but nothing you would ever choose to eat.
